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Cell Phones & Electronic Devices


All phones/devices at TCMS will be turned off during school hours of 7:30 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. and stored in students' bookbags. Students will not have cell phones on their person during this time unless given permission by a teacher or an administrator. Students that do not have a bookbag will turn his/her cell phone in to the homeroom teacher upon arrival to school. The teacher will keep it in a LOCKED cabinet and will return it prior to announcements. Phones should not be left on stand-by, silent, or vibrate mode. Students who have their phones/electronic devices confiscated may pay a $10.00 fee to get their device back at the end of the day. Phones/devices will be returned to parents/guardians free of charge.

Students who fail to adhere to the rules as stated in Student Code of Conduct may be referred for disciplinary action. 

Cell phones/electronic devices should not be used to video or take pictures of disruptive behavior such as fights or other disruptions. The sharing or posting of such videos or any other inappropriate videos or pictures is prohibited. TCMS administrators reserve the right to check devices for inappropriate use or inappropriate material. 

Students should access the internet via the Thomas County Schools’ wireless network while on school grounds in order to ensure their internet connection is filtered through Thomas County Schools’ filtering system as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act. Teachers and staff reserve the right to check an electronic or mobile device for proper connection. Students who do not follow this guideline will lose their right to use their own electronic or mobile device while at school.