Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
Grade Level Counselors:
5th - Cynthia Forde, cforde@tcjakets.net
6th- Kevin Keve, kkeve@tcjackets.net
7th- Andrea Brady, abrady@tcjackets.net
8th- Logan Herring, lherring@tcjackets.net
Grade Level Counselor Websites:
Ms. Herring- 8th Grade:
Counselor Request Forms:
Below are the forms to complete to either see your grade level counselor or make an exploratory change request. You can make an appointment to speak with them or to change your exploratory class. Please read all the information in the forms. This year, students can make changes to the 1st nine weeks exploratory during the first two weeks of school. Exploratory change request for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th nine weeks will be due the week before classes change. Announcements on these dates will be made.
First 9 Weeks Exploratory Change Requests Due: Aug. 16th
Second 9 Weeks Exploratory Change Requests Due: Oct. 4th
Third 9 Weeks Exploratory Change Requests Due: Dec. 20th
Fourth 9 Weeks Exploratory Change Requests Due: March 20th
7th Grade Counseling Request Form
8th Grade Counseling Request Form
Counseling Services
TCMS Counseling department offers the following counseling services to all students:
Individual Counseling
Group Counseling
Classroom Guidance
Career Counseling
Parent Conferences
Community Referrals